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Livraison GRATUITE pour les commandes de plus de 60 $ au Canada

10 $ de frais d'expédition forfaitaires au Canada

Agrandir Esnaider Ortega-Gómez Washed Yellow Caturra
Agrandir Esnaider Ortega-Gómez Washed Yellow Caturra

Esnaider Ortega-Gómez

$18.00 CAD
de réduction


Caturra jaune lavé¹
La Muralla, San Agustín, Huila, Colombie²

C’est un honneur pour nous de partager un autre café spécial de la famille Ortega-Gómez. Ce café à l'origine simple rôti léger offre des notes lisses de melon blanc, de floral cerise et de caramel.

¹ Traitement et variété

Caturra jaune lavé

² Région d'origine

La Muralla, San Agustín, Huila, Colombie

La production de café est devenue un produit agricole dominant en Colombie et la province de Huila est aujourd'hui la plus grande zone de production de café. Rien qu'à San Agustin, 6 000 de ces producteurs parsèment les montagnes pittoresques. En conduisant sur des routes de terre sinueuses drapées de nuages, on peut apercevoir le vert foncé profond des caféiers qui poussent sur les pentes raides - Caturras, Colombias, Castillos ; Typicas et Pink Bourbons.

70% du café produit mondialement est vendu à un prix qui ne permet pas aux producteurs de couvrir leurs dépenses de base.

Ce n'est pas ce café.

Rencontrez le producteur qui a fait ce café

Esnaider Ortega-Gómez

Esnaider Ortega-Gomez est plus qu’un producteur de café pour P.S., c’est un ami avec qui nous avons partagé plusieurs heures à converser à propos de la vie, le café et la philosophie.

Esnaider est un fils d’une des familles à l’origine de la culture du café à San Agustin, Huila. En 2020 il a fondé Monkaaba, une organisation visant à éduquer et informer les producteurs de sa région qui cherchent à entrer dans le marché de spécialité et les aider dans cette transition.

Apprendre encore plus


À propos de nous

The P.S. Coffee menu is made possible by grower communities and smallholder farmers in Rwanda, Honduras, Colombia and Guatemala. Through our sourcing sister-company Semilla, we hold long-term and consensus based partnerships with producers that have had zero or limited access to or knowledge of the specialty market.

These skilled and passionate professionals are redefining coffee production within their growing regions that have historically been underserved and overlooked despite being within well-respected coffee producing countries. Through community support networks, access to knowledge and capital and investment into physical and intellectual infastracture, they are transitioning towards autonomy and away from the exploitative model they’ve mostly always known.

These are the people and communities you’ll meet through P.S. — and build connections with as we continue to support and purchase from them year after year.

Meet the P.S. Producer Network


All of the coffee on the P.S. menu is exclusively sourced with Semilla Coffee through the following principles:

Durable Relationships

All of Semilla’s relationships are formed with specific communities in underserved coffee growing regions within well-respected coffee production countries. Semilla identifies producer groups that have zero or limited access to or knowledge of the specialty market and takes on the requisite risk that comes with their transition into becoming specialty coffee producers with dedicated buyers across North America. Semilla’s commitment is to work only within the bounds of these groups, seeking to grow with them in pursuit of purchasing all of their production, year after year.

Best Prices, Defined by Producers

All coffees purchased by Semilla are purchased at the best locally available price. This is determined via communication with and understanding of local market dynamics, and prices are arrived upon via a consensus model in which the coffee growers and Semilla agree democratically on the best prices for all involved.

Traceability and Transparency 

Semilla’s commitment is to work with complete commitment to traceability and transparency along the value chain. This means full transparency of prices paid to the farmer (farmgate) as well as prices paid at port (FOB). Additionally, Semilla offers in depth information and context for each coffee, the producers who grew it, and the condition within which they work with each purchase. 


Semilla exclusively works in the specialty coffee realm, meaning all of the coffees purchase are above the quality levels offered  by conventional commodity or Fair Trade and Organic buyers. Quality is determined in reference to the Specialty Coffee Association and Coffee Quality Institute’s grading standards, with all coffees source for P.S. achieving a minimum of 85 points out of a possible 100. 

C'est une question

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